Crittenden County Sheriff’s Office 
Press Release
Agency implements FBI – CJIS compliant mobile dispatch and reporting system.
West Memphis, AR – 26 Sep 2013: Sheriff Mike Allen demonstrated his agency’s recently implemented mobile data solution from Relativity, Inc., a public safety software provider headquartered in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The system provides the officers on the street a way to do their jobs easier and with improved accuracy. Sheriff Allen selected the system to allow a more efficient utilization of units in the field while reducing fuel costs to better serve the stakeholders and taxpayers of Crittenden County.
The system is tightly integrated with their existing rps dispatch, warrant, jail management, evidence, and incident, and it allows the officers to send and receive information in an encrypted and secure channel. The mobile system provides the following functions from the deputy’s vehicle.
- e-Dispatch
- ACIC/NCIC Queries
- BOLO and Broadcast
- Watch Lists
- Group or individual secure communication
- Field Reporting
e-Dispatch – When a call comes into the dispatch center, the dispatcher records the information and the system checks for history at that location. As soon as the dispatcher saves the call, it is sent to the officer’s unit, and copied to the other officers on the shift so that everyone is aware of the current active calls. Any location history, warnings, and notices for the address will be sent with the call. This allows the dispatch to securely provide information to the officer without it being exposed to scanners.
In Car Queries – The system also provides the officers the ability to run queries directly to check individuals, vehicles, weapons, and other items against the ACIC (Arkansas Crime Information Center, NCIC (National Crime Information Center), and local warrant and sex offender databases directly from the vehicle. To protect the sensitive data, the rmd (relativity mobile data) product suite is complaint with the FBI’s CJIS Advanced Authentication protocol. The protocol requires the deputies to utilize an external validation device that generates a secondary code in addition to the regular password authentication to gain access to the system. The data is further protected via several layers of encryption and data security on the network.
BOLO – When officers need to be notified quickly to “Be On the Lookout” for a particular vehicle, person, or activity, the system provides the dispatchers or any person in the offices the ability to send a broadcast message from the desk to all the units in seconds.
Watches/Special Patrol – As the officer starts their day and log into the system, it provides them with a list of active special patrol requests and recently stolen vehicles without having to print and hand them out on paper.
Messaging – Interdepartmental communications are also improved via the built in electronic messaging system that is included in the software. Officers can individually communicate car-to-car, group message for event or activity communications, or broadcast information to designated groups. The messaging combined with the dispatch call logs creates and improved situational awareness for both the patrol officers and the administrative staff in the office.
Field Reporting – For the officers, rmd eliminates the need to return to the department to fill out an incident report. Reports can be completed in the unit and uploaded to the central server anywhere there is cell or Wi-Fi signal available. This saves time and fuel while allowing the officers to maintain a presence in their assigned area for greater periods of time.
The Crittenden County Sheriff’s office is located at 350 Afco Road in West Memphis, AR., where Sheriff Mike Allen’s organization works to serve and protect the citizens and visitors every day by providing responsive and courteous service. Sheriff Allen can be reached at 870-702-2010.
Headquartered in Jonesboro, AR, Relativity, Inc. is a leading provider of Government and Public Safety Solutions across the US. They can be reached at (870)802-3622 or by visiting their website at